GosuNoob Video Game Reviews

Prey Review

Prey 2017 Review

There are games that stay embedded in your memory, no matter how much time passes or how many other games you play. Half-Life, System Shock, Bioshock and Deus Ex are those classics that stuck with me throughout the years, because of their atmosphere and something special in their setting and storytelling that got carved into…


no mans sky

No Man’s Sky Review

We are merely a tiny speck in a practically endless universe. There are stars upon stars, stretching into infinity. Man may get a chance to…



Journey (2012) is like recalling a beautiful dream. It brings back an emotion that is not very easy to explain. While the triple-A industry flourished…

necropolis review

Necropolis Review

Necropolis is a rogue-lite game from Harebrained Schemes, they of Shadowrun fame. In it, you play a Blackguard exploring the depths of the titular dungeon…